Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Beauty Skin Tips

Hello dear readers!
Its 544am in the morning, and guess what i did make it to tak-tidur-pas-subuh hohoho gembire gembire!
So today i was like thinking to share something with you girls! What about if we talk about skin tips? Korang excited tak??? Ke aku je yang excited haha..*sedih dan menyorok di tepi sudut*

Tgk..kan aku dah kate aku je yang excited pfffff...

Hahaha tapi sebelum itu, tips yang bakal dikongsi ni is MY tips, so cara setiap orang mungkin berbeze2, so kalau xkena cara tu mintak maaf bebanyak kay. Mane yang boleh ikut tu,silakan..Harap bergunalah tips ni supaya dpt dijadikan panduan utk mendptkn kulit yang cantik!

So according to my way, the mechanism is as simple as this:
  1. wash your face
  2. apply toner
  3. moisturize your skin
  4. apply sunblock (additional)
  5. apply beauty cream (additional)
  6. thin layer of compact powder/2 way cake (additional)
Bile basuh muke, jgn basuh lama2 taw nanti muka kering. Tanda muka kering is when u feel gatal2 and ada merah2. The correct technique is, apply the foam to your palm until u got buih yang sgt byk! Buih tu la yang u apply kat muka, bkn facial foam tu. Plz take note!
After that, apply toner. Toner is essential to tutupkan ur pores. Jgn kedekut nak beli/guna toner. Before pkai moisturizer MESTI pkai toner sbb dikhuatiri moisturizer akan clog ur pores.
Moisturize ur face! Apply only thin layer. Setengah orang xnak pkai moisturizer sbb xselesa. But the thing is moisturizer akan buat muke kite naturally glow and kulit akn nampak sihat
Apply sunblock. Aku tulis additional sbb kadang2 sesetengah moisturizer dah ade SPF (sunblock). But as for me, i bought it separately. When it comes to choosing sunblock, choose yang less oily and bile pkai rase ringan (rase cm xpkai apa2).

Beauty cream is additional. Nak pkai pon xpe xnak pon xpe. Aku pakai sbb cuace kat Bandung sejuk dan kering. Kalau kat Malaysia kan hot and humid, takut berminyak sgt pulak. I recommend to those who has dry skin.
Lastly, apply ONLY thin layer of compact powder. Aku pon baru jeh pkai compact powder. Before ni tak pakai sbb naek pimples huhu. Tapikan i realized that, some people lpas solat, tros apply compact powder, then muka nampak berhabok sbb dry..Thats why apply moisturizer dlu then baru la pkai compact powder..Kalau stakat muke je putih tapi kulit2 mati, mengglupas sume nampak buat pe kan?
Kalo ade duit lebih, pkai la mask 2 mgu skali, also beli sealing gel/pimple blemish kalau ade pimple, utk kecutkan die. Anyway, kalo korang in a rush kan, just do this simple steps
  • wash-tone-moisturize
Jangan lps bsuh muka, biarkn cmtu je..syg kulit taw.At least buat 3 steps ni kay. If possible, kalo korang nak pkai mask ke,pkaila waktu malam bcuz 70% of the skin cells work at night. U got my words right? Gudluck gurls!


  1. wauuu great tips!!
    hihikk xthn nye np ad b yg bermuke buruk gak kuikui :P
    lov u pretty face~ ^^

  2. h0la2...thanx 4 tips!!...
    kulit u mmg cantek p0n~~...hehe
    may i ask s0mething?
    ade suggesti0n x nak pkei brand pe 4 gel pimple 2?
    h0p u can help me....huhu..thanx ya~

  3. klu da lawa kulit tu, lawa je lah! isk!hehe

  4. syg ni hny cubit kng taw la hehe lov u too dear~


    u're welcome!
    tq tq i use MENTHOLATUM Acnes, u can find kat drugstore or wtson/guardian.i pkai hari2 n mmg berkesan for my skin. cube taw hehe


    ah iya ngade!
    dah dah iya xleh bace ni sbb kulit iya da cntek! xmo kwn xmo kwn hhe

  5. kak atin~~~
    akk chantek sgt sgt sgt!
    na jd chantek mcm akk jgk..
    envy giler taw..
    grm jer tgk akk..
    huhu mmwwaahh!!

  6. atin
    same ke day cream nga moisterizer?
    *btul ke spelling moisterizer ak nih?*
    tiba-tiba rse ingin mnjadi cntik.

  7. aina
    aina kte ngah berckp tntg kecntikan skang bukanlah psal baju kek cawan hahah


    rindunye kat awkkk hehe
    akk try bukak page awk tp xleh, pastu bru pasan awk tukar url baru yeh?? arxar da cntik da xyah dgr tips akk hehe


    adda dah comey dah xyah nk lebih2. da la g klas bj cntik2 jeles2x hehe
    um! day cream/night cream tu moisturizer >.<
    pastikan memakainye sblom mmkai compact powder yeh!

  8. ur tips sama with mine. ngeeeeeee.

  9. wah yeke??
    hehe bgs bgs so xsie2 le kiki
    kak dart ble nk kawen? ajak a org taw

  10. eh bukan ngah ckp pasal kek cawan ke..

  11. fatin, nnt bagi tips jaga rambut pulak yek..

  12. takde satu pon ayat ucapan syukur kat Tuhan bg awak muka yg cantik.
    tp ade pujian utk bf pulak.

    sj je ckp.

  13. hye2 fatin!!
    i read through ur blog,n tertarik plak nk commnt about beauty tips ni...ur skin flawless sgt!!beautiful..u gune product pe for face,toner,moisturizer?and,even for ur make up cm cmpact powder etc?huu.. i adore sgt ur style..u look soOo lawa..even pakai ape2 pn..wishing u a very gud luck in ur study :)


  14. hye2 fatin!!
    i read through ur blog,n tertarik plak nk commnt about beauty tips ni...ur skin flawless sgt!!beautiful..u gune product pe for face,toner,moisturizer?and,even for ur make up cm cmpact powder etc?huu.. i adore sgt ur style..u look soOo lawa..even pakai ape2 pn..wishing u a very gud luck in ur study :)


  15. hi fatin, nak tanya u pakai produk jenama apa utk muka u.... facial wash apa, toner, moisturiser dan ebagainya.. bgtu boleh kan??:P pleeazz ya dear comeyy:P

  16. hye sys! nak tye..ermmm sunblock sys pkai brand ape ye..ermm any suggestion??? klu boleyh xnak yg oily :)) plissss reply k...

  17. orrait~ zanque zo mac for the tips kakpatin, opps doktor fatin *applying toner* but i dun have mosturizer yet, phuuu


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