Monday, January 2, 2012

Just a thought


Ha aku baru balik oncall. Sekarang pukul 5 pagi. Rasa macam awesome gila sebab oncall pada hari Ahad, bertarikhkan 1 Januari 2012 dan berpaksikan bulan dan bintang. Well, my real intention is of course to boast to you guys how hardworking I am! My oncall started at 7pm and ended at 7am, the next day. But I went back 2 hours earlier since time and tide wait for no man. Er, ga nyambung is it?

Anyway, ada pernah beberapa orang bloggers bertanyakan kepada aku macam mana aku handle haters dalam arena blog. Mereka mengatakan bahawa mereka mengalami depresi dan insomnia teruk dek kerana haters datang menyerang dan melemparkan kata-kata berbaur tahi di blog mereka. Keji hokay. Never talk shit that smells like shit in other people's blog kids. If you know me well, obviously you know that I made it up. Dalam perenggan ini, hanya ayat pertama sahaja yang benar. Ayat seterusnya telah digubal dan ditokok tambah oleh aku. Like a boss. Hahahahahah!

Ok back to business. I'm pretty sure that I have a lot of visible/silent haters. As for the 'visible' haters, they tend to throw tantrum by bombarding me with uncivilized and hatred comments which they think suffice to make me go upset. Hell no man. You got the wrong person. Next time, please la never mess with medical students because we are emotionless and immortal. Wasting your time only.

No seriously, hari-hari kerja kitorang adalah kena marah. Kalau tak kena marah, maksudnya kitorang tak buat kerja. Sebab sebagai medical student, we are treated as the lowest creature on earth. You name it la, siapa je yang tak pernah marah kitorang. Patients, midwives, staff nurses, MOs, Registrars, Specialists, Profs, and the list goes on. But exception goes to the houseman. Mereka adalah yang paling kitorang sayang sebab mereka tak pernah marah malah lemah lembut dan suka sign logbook mengikut budi bicara wkwkwkwk.

So apalah sangat setakat haters kutuk dekat komen kalau nak dibandingkan dengan aku kena kutuk dengan midwives dekat labour room. Live lagi hokey. Dengan mimik muka yang omjayyy and suara bagaikan halilintar. Tak kira lagi bila doctors masuk campur. Pokpekpokpek the last thing I know was .... ok when did she stop shouting? Disebabkan benda-benda macam inilah, tahap ignorance aku tinggi.

Ada pernah sekali tau, masa tu doctor tu maki aku, memang seteruk-teruknya dia maki. Tapi aku boleh pekakkan telinga dan berangan yang future home aku nanti aku nak hias guna laminating floor, nak beli sofa IKEA apa jadah aku kan padahal I was looking straight into his eyes kot. Gila power tahap konsentrasi aku untuk berimiginasi. Pastu doctor tu sakit hati sebab aku unresponsive. TROLOLOLOL.

Apapon, bagus jugak kena marah sebab kalau tak kena marah aku tak kan belajar dan mungkin akan mengulangi kesalahan yang sama. Dalam mencari ilmu ni, kenalah buang ego dan rendahkan diri serendah-rendahnya. I wasn't complaining. I just want to share with you guys the ups and downs in my life! Well I chose to be in this field, so yeah I just got to move with the flow and beat it! Not a problem. Lagipon memang salah aku pon, sebab ilmu tak cukup kan. Of course la orang marah sebab lembab nak mampos wakakakaka. And most important of all, each and every single doctor in this world has gone through the hardship I encounter right now. If they can, I also can what.

So back to my haters. Lets spread the love and stop hating each other. I will never sakit hati since I got a lot of work to do and I forgot already how to actually feel the sakit hati. Nanti you guys yang sakit hati sebab I takkan bagi respon and you guys keep stalking my blog and fanpage, hoping that I will serang balik, which I assure, will never happen. From the bottom of my heart, I am very sorry kalau I ada buat something yang korang dislike. But believe me, the only reason I blog is to share my thoughts and experience. Hope that we all can be friends and create a healthy relationship among us. Take care =) !

Thank you for reading this entry !


  1. fatin, chiyok k...!
    moga bersabar dalam kerjaya... =)

  2. imma proud of you.. u just keep looking forward..n inspiring me a lot.thank you..

  3. Fatin

    bila dah berjaya macam itulah dugaan yang kita perlu hadapi tapi its just a small challenge to you sis, ada lagi lebih besar dari ini like your career, just go with your own thought, spread your thought, share it, love it, INSYALLAH, ALLAH will help you, by the way, good luck to you for your career, i wish you good luck, remember because of HATERS, you will success in your life =p

  4. sentiasa belajar dan rendah diri :)

  5. :)
    no wonder every time when i yell at my bf he was like "eerm..say that again" ~ you guys a heartless..
    yet still..i couldnt believe u have haters since u have an angelic face that makes people melted easily

  6. haters, small issue...there's a lot of bigger issues we need to think about, instead.

  7. hi fatin,

    haters are everywhere. in fact they love you, but in a different point of view.


    happy new year. :)

  8. yang nyata...ko pon kaki 9gagger jugak kan....hahahaha..

  9. setuju... Bukan semua org suka dgn kita kan.. cemburu dan sakit hati org lain ada d mana2.. wish u goodluck..
    Keep it up (",)

  10. Kaka Fatin Liyana, you sangat-sangat cool. I loike :3

  11. hye k.fatin!

    sy pon student medic jugak. seriously menakutkan la nak masuk clinical yr. senior ckp lec semua garang2.
    but menariknye care k.fatin tu. nnt nak gne jugakla. bygkn future hme and look straight into the doc's eyes. hewhewhew!
    nx yr konpem buat ni <3
    btw, gudluck k.fatin cantik!

  12. hehehe.. macam yuyu juga perangai :')

  13. hoyeyyyy fatin takde pic baru fatin ke huhuhhu :-(

  14. doktor n nurse memg penybr kan??? di marah tu adat

  15. haha. i's normal la kan kak fatin. sentiasa sabar je :)

  16. betul gak tu fatin.. so bile la masenye i akan dapqt training like u did everyday so that mentally i am a strong person....

  17. very cool ! like that :) keep bloging & sharing..

  18. akak kat indon lagi ke skrg nih???
    sabar la...makin org kenal kita, makin ade yang iri hati...normal life is it...
    just be yourself n plizz, jgn lame sgt tak update blog...heeeee~~

  19. dah banyak kali keluar masuk hospital, memang itulah ragamnya. tonton medical student n housmen kena maki...

  20. ignorance is the best thing to deal with these haters..:)

  21. ouch! sy boleh imagine betapa depresssssss nya rasa berada di tempat anda.. -_-" Keep moving gurl.. :)

  22. Hye Fatin..
    akak setuju ngan fatin :)
    experience kite mmg sangat2 precious n nak sangat2 kite share ngan semua orang. even akak nih tak rajin nak mengarang, tapi kekadang berjaya gak la sebab memikirkan ia something yang menarik untuk share. lepaih tu.. bese la kan, org suke n tak suke. yang penting niat.. insya Allah dipermudahkan. all the best for u dear :)

  23. nak jadi mcm fatin liyana lah (^__^)v

  24. serius suka cara you handle haters. tang imaginasi sambil kena marah tu memang salute betul la.haha

  25. terbaik dik,

    akak suka last paragraph tuuu :)
    betul tak elok haters blo org ke apa, inilah life kita.ppl tak bole simply judge from blog.

    btw all the best Dr.ahhaha akak gelak baca awakkk kata lembab nak mampus time kalau akak beranak nak ngan awak :P

  26. that is what you need to do . abaikan je haters tuh sume . be an awesome doctor and one day die bosan dgn keje die sbg haters tuh :D

  27. Fatin hati kebal..hehe,chayyok!

  28. wahhh tabahnya FL ni kan....huhu.....hrp2 bleh jd cm tu jgk....

  29. anggap je haters tu jeles sebab dioran takde kat tempat kte sekrang ni..penyakit phd akan tetap ada

  30. Haters itu tanda sayang.Sebarkan.

  31. I luv ur attitute..go go go...go FL..heehheh

  32. happy new year Fatin.. its not Haters maybe its JELESters..

  33. Jom kita ambil cakna pasal mahasiswa pula di sini:
    Masa untuk Perubahan

  34. YES we medical student happen to be awesomely ignorant like a boss XD

  35. biasalah kan hidup ni,,ada yg suka dan ada yg benci kita,,hermm buat derk jelah yg fatin selalu wat,,banyak lg benda lain nak difikirkan,,caiyok2

  36. Assalamualaikum Fatin.


    Sukar menjangkakan 'taste' setiap orang. Buat tidak entah sahaja. Manusia tidak sempurna.

    Haters itu salah satu cabaran berblogging dan dalam realiti pun ada. Jangan gentar, teruskan apa yang ingin dinukilankan oleh hati anda selagi tidak salah di sisi agama. InsyaAllah.

  37. i wish u luck fatin!!

    pretty doctor to be.remember that. =)

  38. chaiyokkkk.... hater akan bercakap sat ja... dah penat mesti dorang stop punyelah.. so wat dunno jer.. live life to the max!!

  39. fatin!! biarkn dorang....kita xda masa nk benci org...kita cuma ada masa nk syg org yg syg kita...tggu 31 januari nnti makin la ramai lagi yg syg kita :D

  40. kak fatin memang taff.Yang boleh beranagan nak beli sofa IKEA tu lawak k.ahahaha.serius nak jugaklah buat mcm ka fatin.Hihihi u are so coool :) Chaiyok ka fatin !

  41. aku igt kerja paling hina jd CSE astro, tak dpt tgk tv pun mau maki kami.. loser gila tak boleh hidup tanpa tv..

  42. how dare you are dreaming infront of Prof *&%$#. HAHAH..

  43. Hi Fatin! normal la nak success memang banyak dugaan mendatang. Yang penting tabahkan hati kuatkan iman semoga tuhan permudahkan segalanya!

  44. syukur alhamdulillah I have the best readers ever ! thank you so much for giving me courage and advice and so on, i just feel the sense of belonging whenever reading your comments. seriously, thank you so much dear people. i wish all best for all of you =)

  45. emotionless...heheh. it's really true.
    bila Fatin dah melepasi 'ups & down' as a medical student and HO life....
    pasti akan terasa nikmatnya, haha.
    trust me!!

    Good luck dear ;)

    i am now 8-5pm Dr, without oncall, hoyeh! life sangat wonderful ;)

  46. hahaha its all true :) haters ni semuanya ada masalah hati mungkin..

  47. you are my insipration. ramai cakap kalau amik medic tadek life lah apalah, but bila baca blog sis semangat balik nak amik medic. keep writing yaa :)

  48. You already strong enough until this point. Just need to be stronger and stronger. Ja~

  49. bkn senang nk jd doktor kalau mental dan fizikal tak kuat... sy sendiri pn x sanggup... last2 tercebur dlm cabang bidang sains yg lain... tp, kak fatin ni kira hebat la...

  50. Dulu waktu saya training sy pernah buat kesalahan...tapi trainer sy cuma bilang enggak pa pa kalo kamu enggak pernah salah kamu enggak pernah tau mana yang benar,...

    buat neng fatin sabar aja yah, ini sy mau nyanyi buat kamu...
    'dunia pasti berputar. ingat pasti bertukar...(st12)'

  51. takyah nak fikir sangat la..kalau dlm 100 ada 2 je kot benci..lagi 98 sayang..baik hargai 98 yg syg kita tu..yg lagi 2 biarkan saja dia nak meroyan..kalau dah penat tau la dia nak stop..

  52. jom JOIn GIVEAWAY dari UmmiIrfan, hadiah misteri menanti anda..tarkih tutp 6.1.2012!

  53. Sabar itu separuh drpd iman.
    Byk phala tlg org.

  54. wahh,nasihat yg berguna. Good luck ye kak Fatin. Chaiyokk2! :)

  55. nasib la telinga fatin xcapang macam nabil..yela da hari-hari menadah kena marah..hewheww

  56. yes medical students are the best! ^^

  57. "never mess with medical students because we are emotionless and immortal. Wasting your time only." suke ayat ni!!!! heee~betol sgt ape akak FL cakap~^^

  58. wah cool la, bole berimaginasi time kena marah..

  59. I love yr attitude! cool gilaaa okay :'D

  60. aten!!! suke giler ayat nie...hik3...

    "please la never mess with medical students because we are emotionless and immortal. Wasting your time only"

  61. yea true FL..we need to be we are emotionless and immortal , kalo x ari2 nanges...sbb ari2 kne marah

  62. 9gags yoo...hahaha
    post yg sngt nice la ...betol gak ckp kau medical student kalo x thn maki bek x yah medic..aku pnah tetukar middle meningeal a. ngn superficial temporal skali kne maki ngn doc an..siap tunjuk2 kat otak aku ag..hahaha..aku diam jek ..doc tuh bengang pastuh dye belah gitu jek.. TROLOLOLOL

  63. FL, i pn medical students jgk. kena2 marah tu mcm dh bnde biase kan.. sometimes i hope people out there could understand yg study medic nie bukannye gempak, kena marah, balik penat lg, pastu kena treat mcm kuli huehuehue.
    we always pretend to b happy but deep inside only 'us' (bdk medic) taw betape byknye we had gone through.
    chayok2 FL, insyallah will b a doctor in a few years, pe kite bljr skrg semuanye utk tolong org dikemudian hari ;)

  64. saya pun kena marah staff nurse sebab lembab sangat,hehe

    admit it sebab memang salah sendiri..;)

  65. haters itu ada gunanya Fatin,
    top-up pahala orang. LOL! enjoy it with free pahala bebeh!

  66. saya pun kena marah jgk..dgn DO, matron, dsa kat kaunter, ppk cuci instrument, parent yg x reti bahasa...tapi redha je..dah nama keje kan..

  67. fatin bru kene marah je tp ade orang y kne lg truk dr fatin.Kadang-kadang kita lupa yang sebenarnya orang lain mempunyai masalah yang lebih besar dari kita
    tp normal la who care about others problem..
    tp bile kte igt ade org y kne lg truk dr kite,kte akan bersyukur..
    biase la tu kene marah.mane ade org x pernah kne marah.klu kite wat silap,mmg la kne sy ade 1 soalan.naper fatin x letak earphone kat telinga n dgr lagu ape2 y fatin suke dr ipod.sbb fatin kan pki tudung jd x nampak earphone kt telinga.jd ble kne leter xde la dengar sgt ayat2 doktor2 y teruk 2.suke2 die je lepas tension die kt fatin.that normal la die mane ade blog cam fatin.xde orang nak nasihatkan die.
    to fatin,just keep on smiling.
    klu fatin senyum ms org marah fatin,la org tu marah n buat die lagi sakit hati,right??tp jgn senyum menyindir cb try senyum ikhlas wlupun x brape nak ikhlas.
    skurang2nye dpt la pahala n kurang sket la rasa sakit ati..

    be a good n competent doctor

    Pursue excellence, and success will follow

    im weirdos but im not weirdest
    dia @diriku ungu

  68. ape la sgt kalo kite kene maki senyum je lah. Bukan kite yang pernah kene maki. Para ulama’ pn pernah. Rasulullah SAW pn pernah. Err, Allah SWT juga pernah.
    Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud:
    “Dan janganlah kamu memaki sembahan-sembahan yang mereka sembah selain Allah, kerana mereka nanti akan memaki Allah dengan melampaui batas tanpa pengetahuan.” (Surah al-An’am: 108)

    Orang yang kutuk kita yang maki kte ini mungkin ikhlas ingin membetulkan kesalahan kita. so, kita x perlu rendahkan akhlak diri kita dengan tiru balik caranya itu. Tahan diri dari mengutuk balik. Tahan diri dari mencaci-maki. Tahan diri dari menghina semula.

    x gitu cik fatinn. .

  69. mesti nak kene encounter hardship baru blh suceed ek..;)

  70. spread unity not animosity :)

  71. u go girl! hope dapat jadi tabah mcm fatin bile HO nnt. ;)

  72. giler immortal FL.. eh.. giler ignorance FL kt doc tuh.. hehe.. cayalah... smoga trus sukses dlm keje ape pon ea..

  73. ohohoh..memang pernah jugak org komen burok kat my blog..and make me feel bad..but well, i ignore him after tgk kata-kata busuk dia =)

  74. Hater = they're just jealous with your awesomeness. Goood luck in your life :)

  75. hye Cik Fatin..proud of u dear..^_^..x sangka part kena marah tu blh lagi berangan siap sofa IKEA pun blh msauk..hehe..lawak2..erm, btl tu, tgk HO2 kena marah, kdg2 sian dorg mcm da lali..lebih2 lagi klu MO yg nak buat cmne, da nasib but we learn from mistake rite? i'm also sn tp xde la smpai tahap nk maki2 HO, jadi kwn lagi ade..hehe..sian tgk dorg mkn tido, mandi pun dlm life! jln pun laju2 je..sometimes look klaka tp ada hasilnya nnt..:).btw, gudluck Cik Fatin yg cute!!

  76. Strong girl!..keep it up fatin!....u r awesome..=))

  77. betul tu kan... kalau nak ikutkan sangat sakit hati dekat haters tu, kite pun jadi sewel macam haters.. just ignore je..hati pun tenang..aku tak kacau lu, lu jangan kacau gua..hahaha..

  78. sometimes ignorance is the best to handle the emotions for being sick of the haters..

  79. nak berjaya kene tahan ye fatin,mmg adat di hospital begitu,even u akan tak sempat nak makan n social bila kerja nanti.jangan jadi zombie udah..yg penting buat kerja ikhlas bantu patient.i've seen some fresh doctors still lambat take actions,tapi in process learning mmg begitu.itu kalau patient yg tak faham..u kena pandai taici..

  80. betul tu..abaikan jek haters..
    lumrah manusia suka benci orang lain kan..apa dia ingat dia tu xde orang benci ke? hehehe

  81. kak fatin muka macam yoon baek hee dalam dream high!hahahah

  82. tak semua orang sukerkan kiter..yang penting jadi diri sendiri kan?

  83. Thanks kak Fatin , ada byk mesej kot yg dapat (:

  84. kak fatin the best nasihat yang saya nak rujuk..thanks kak fatin..semoga berjaya u sis!

  85. Yesss... sangat setuju.. ignore jer org2 yg tak berguna tu.. byk lagi org yg suke kt.. :)

  86. ignore je haters! dorg jeles ah tuh! haha

  87. nice thought, tul tu ignore jer haters

  88. akk memang seorang wanita yg sabar

    *nur hayati

  89. aaahhh kelas la k.fatin! admire ni. hehe

  90. : Assalamualaikum Fatin Liyana.. I`m an amateur blogger.. What`s your opinion or suggestion to be a top blogger like u..

  91. patt pun orang suka blog fatin liyana... :D

  92. betul tu fatin... ignore je diorang.. dlm erti kata lain BUAT DUNNO JE...

  93. Nice gilaa part berangan untuk rumah tuhh. Kesian Doc bebel sensorangg. ;D

  94. susah nak puaskan hati semua org.. abaikan je mereka2 tu.. just be urself.. like ur attitude.. girl power gitu hehe

  95. fatin, update pasal family u bleh? pasal dato' n maria elena.. hehehhe

  96. "giler power tahap berkonsentrasi aku untuk berimaginasi"


    kerja la macam lagu MOH-lalala,kerjalah.

  97. yup sgt btl..itu yg saya cuba buat skang..ignore n x bls apa2 kejian org..tunjukkan yg kita happy n x ksh then depa yg sakit hati kang x glamor cam saya pun ada dgki tau..hmm tp doctor mmg camgitu kan? perasaan tu tegar,kalau tak camnelah nk handle mende2 emosi yg slalu terjdi terutama berkaitan pesakit.bgus fatin liyana ^_^

  98. medical student mmg kena marah tetiap hari.. bukan setakat kena marah, malah kena tumbuk dan kena sepak.. hahah.. sabar je la.. lama2 kita akan jd tak berperasaan dan rasa mcm xde apa2 bila org marah.. leh rilek je lps kena marah.. kan2? go go FL!! lets be a good doctor of the future..

  99. Yes we cant please everybody kan, masuk telinga kanan kluar telinga kiri!

  100. kesian lak aku dgr bila part ko ckp korang kena slalu kena mrh. xpe. sabo je la ek.

  101. so true, so true.

    here in india the lecturers gets mad at you for the smallest thing. like u accidentally smiled seeing her weird saree colour combo. LOL.

    anyway, betul kot doctors have no feelings in case of handling haters. banyak lagi benda nak fikir kan. banyak lagi org marah. hihi

    anyway keep it up n stay cool doc! ^^

  102. mula2 kena marah mmg la bengang tahap pehape kan. kalo slalu sgt.. hmm. mmg tak la. suara lec berapi pun kite buat muke takde prasaan, hehe.

    btw, first time ni komen. :))

  103. HAHA ,.. wordless . dari dulu smpai sekarang mmg suka sis bercerita , tmbah2 dlm bidang yang saya sememangnya saya suka ,. yes ,, medical ... errr . baru abeh spm ni dah ngade2 belagak , haha ..

  104. woah,panjang nye entry.kena fokus betul2.anyway,good way of handling haters =)

  105. Waaaaa, stay tough girl! :D

  106. assalamualaikum.

    how are you doing?
    normal lah kalau kena marah.
    you must have all the patience in the world. insyaAllah, you will be a good muslimah doctor in the future.
    I'm sorry to say this,
    just one thing,
    if doctors or whoever scold medical students, don't show obviously your unresponsive attitude.
    give some respect,ok dear?

    frankly, they didn't mean to scold. they just want to give some lessons so that students won't repeat the same mistakes. and for their own goods.
    sometimes diorang marah, sebab tension juga. I understand, medical students also got many things to do.
    anyway, wish you all the best fatin. ;)

    p/s: just went to PPUKM last thusrday.

  107. haha, yup...mmg mcm tu hidup.
    masa belajar dulu kalau kena marah dgn Dr je masa klinik, buat muka selamba serius mcm concentrate... tp sebenarnya masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri, ambik yg penting saje supaya x ulang salah sama.mungkin dah dilatih jadi mcm muka tebal sepanjang pengajian, x sengaja sekrg masih praktis sikap yg sama...kalau bnda x penting, x buat kita sakit kena ambik ubat bagai, ignore aje =]

  108. aww sho shweet n3 ni.. erm tak kesah sape2 dlm dunia nie akan ade haters. Itu semuanya rangkaan Tuhan kepada kita sbg manusia yg mmg takkan pernah purfect. Bila org marah we can choose to be humble abt it, lessons learnt or let it go. Whatever people think of us, is none of our business ..A psychiatrist once said.

  109. aku jumpa nama kau dlm google zeitgeist. first2 aku search drpd google images sbb aku ingat kau ni pelakon ke ape.belum sempat nak taip habes tgk nama kau dah muka x familiar,lepastu search kat column everything.ada & rupanya kau ni adalah blogger.ingatkan appear link utk facebook.nice blog aku pelik,apsal muka comel mcm kau ada haters.aku pun comel jugak,tp aku xtau aku ada haters ke tidak.mungkin ada kot,aku je yang xtau.aku baru baca paragraph pertama dan kedua daripada post kau ni.aku malas nak baca yang lain2.btw,kau cool.ok,aku x tipu.

  110. hahahaha...arap aku pon dpt jd mcm fatin liyana ble aku jd kaunselor nanti..kne pikul beban klien...
    kne mrh kt prof tu biase ar..memang pon...hahaha

  111. Ehemss.. ko x payah le nak exaggerate len pun med student gak xde nye kene marah tiap2 ari..~~

  112. tak mahu dicemburui buat2 rupa macam tak cantik ....pasti org tak benci...tawakal sahaja la...

  113. sabar ye sayang..

  114. selalu jer aie kena marah dengan customer pasal buat pc dorang apa2...padahal dorang yg pakai bawak balik rumah guna bagai bila masalah salahkan yg jual pulak,err apakah kes?tapi dah biasa dah dengan benda tui semua...lumrah lah kan manusia,tak ada yg sempurna pun...

  115. hee ~ sara mungkin org yg last komen ke apa ke entah larr.. hee.
    dulukan, dulukan sara tak berapa suka baca belog kak atin,sebb your annoying post yg panjg lebar tnpa gmbar kak atin yg cute mute semua bagai.. but, its great actually. dah smlam terasa nk mnjenguk meraba belog kak atin smpai lebam bagai !! and i found that your blog ada jiwa sara yg kak atin curi .. heeee.. **medic im wish im your student !


    p/s: i believe this picture is yours :0)

  117. o man! o man! i cannot belivit! mcm mana ada org boleh maki org secun fatin liyana?? dem aku x boleh bayang betapa kental hati nya! kalau aku, fatin liyana maki aku pun aku boleh senyum beb! owh hi fatin, sy suke gila baca blog kamu ni! :D

  118. Keep up the positive spirit, dear!(^_^)

  119. sabar jelah . hihi :)

  120. lupa nak komen sal haters ni ..

    HATERS MADE ME FAMES ~ haters takkan pernah habiss kot sampai bila-2. diorang cuma tau nak lempar shit atas muka org pdhl tnpa sedar mreka sbnarnya lempar atas muka diorang sendiri . wonder lar jugak, tak reti letih ke dok kutuk org sana-sini? walhal, diri sendiri duk wat dosa dgn kutuk sana sini. fed up ah bai !! sial kot, tp bila fikir balik, takyah wonder kot, sebb haters cumalah manusia yg takde keje so cari publisiti or perhatian dgn mmbodohkan diri sndiri,, .. and to haters sape-sape jew larr kan,, i nak tnya,, career kak aten down ke kalau korang dok hit shit kat dia ? dia takleh makan sampai kebuluq ke ? .. fikir lahh weyy,, kalau nak nasiht,, byk lg cara lain yg elok didgr kot .. sorry im harsh kot

  121. betul.. haters make u famous~! hehehe...bdw, steady la FL. still ramai yg sokong u dr blakang. yg pntg tak mudah tunduk n mengalah.

  122. fatin budak comel..aku dengki ngan kau..

  123. fatin, gotta love this posting. juz a note tho.

    "i am the truly example of an ignorant"

    there's a marginal error there. it should be..

    "i am the true example of an ignoramus"

    okay fatin, im not a troll, juz a fan who hates ppl making fun of ya ok.

  124. I LOIKEEEE IT 100 %

  125. mcm there's no use pun na benci orang, the main reason kenapa haters ni kick some shit beacuse they envy you and when the mess up it's actually way to easy themselves. That's what i thought la.

    Bagi I, setiap orang Tuhan dah tentukan jalan hidup dia masing2. Haters yang mungkin jealous tu, bahagia dengan hidup sendiri, create it cause how much u try to destroy what u see in others (kelebihan org) wont make a budge pun. Be thankful and live your life! '

    Ohmai pjg gile bebel dkt sini. Ho yeah Kak Fatin ! Much love (:

  126. dik, apa kata adik cerita ttg rutin harian adik.tengok adik cool je.apa amalan adik baik dari segi pemakanan dan ibadah.looking forward tau.tq!

  127. so do i..kite pown kene bende yg sama.. silent haters kata kite stupid. :D tp still stalking my blog.

  128. biasala tu fatin..,,,xpe,,anggap je haters ni sbgai latihan penerimaan kutukan and makian.spya makin tabah hadapi cabaran cmni...sbb msa housemen nnti kna lagi tahan n bersbar bebanyak mndengar kutukan ,bebelan...insyaAllah,moga mnjadi insan yg kuat dik....

  129. dah mula fall in love wif u...super!!!!

  130. eh xpe ke kalau diorg men letak gmbo awk kt mana2?haha sy jmpe kt tmpat yg x patot -_-

  131. what doesn't will make you stronger...chaiyokkk

  132. hehhe, betol ke?? kehkehkeh...kita belajar bila org marah?? huhu....

    mungkin =) hehe, kalau tu betol salah kita...kalau kena marah sbb nak lepaskan emosi kepala gila diorng, mmg taklah kan,

    lg2 benda kecik nak dibesar2kan...huahuahua.....kena maki balik lah kan....=P LOL...

  133. i love your way handle the haters.
    silent can be the best way to stop them,
    fatin fighting!

  134. love the part that MS are emotionless and immortal..hahah.. at times, I wonder if I would mengamuk at MS when I am a doctor(klu ad rezki n umur panjang)

  135. Doctors mmg takde perasaan bukan sbb dia selalu kene marah.nyk lagi career yg org tu kene selalu kene maki hamun even worse i rasa doctors takde perasaan sbb dia mmg kene mcm tu sbb dia handle human body.kalo ade perasaan mcm mane nak bedah org?kaannn

  136. Sorry to use this - Dog will only barks if it doesn't know the person, and never finds their own shits stink

  137. saya perlu belajar banyak dengan kak fatin, macam mana nak jadi tak berperasaan bila kena maki ngan staff nurse dan tutor. haha..

  138. Saya pun pernah berdepan dengan haters dan ni petua dari saya je:)
    Bagi saya, kalau nak exposekan diri dalam dunia internet ni satu-satunya benda yang mesti diingat... MUKA KENA TEBAL...
    Tak kiralah blogger/vlogger tu famous atau tak, mesti ada orang yang nak maki dan kutuk...
    Sebenarnya, benda ni dah jadi kebiasaan dan bila haters ni makin disebut-sebut dan dilayan, lagilah diaorang suka...
    Cara dia satu je...buat taktau je dan jangan layan sangat org macamtu...
    Dan kita tak salah delete pun komen² yang tak masuk akal tu...

  139. sabar je..muka kena tebal.. g mati sama depa tu.. depa takkan tau apa yang kita rasa.. sebab depa dengki dengan kejayaan yang telah kita kecapi.. bukan jadi kudis pun depa p cakap macam2 dekat kita.. yang penting kita kena pandai uruskan diri sendiri


    Gambar : Perhimpunan Janji Bersih 31 Ogos 2012

    Gambar : Air Pancut 800 Juta DiDubai

    Gambar : Puak Dani di Papua New Guinea[Mesti Tengok]

  140. love your attitude :D haha you go girl ! ;)

  141. Tak yah layan haters nie... keep up the good work...

  142. Salam suma, commonly ppl create blog sbb nak share things kan.. so takde issue glemer or femes, rating tinggi, award nothing to worry kalo the way kita post pon kita still sensitive ngan surrounding kita. if not, riak pon dtg bertamu and thus create haters which might be kita yg trigger without we knowing it..dah kira % dosa gak tu. So, sentiasa merendah diri dan elakkan provokasi. InsyaAllah hidup akan diberkati :)

  143. Ahak, ahak, ahak ! Lawak-lawak-lwak. Akak boleh slamber ja berangan padahal org tengah maki akak? Hebat giler ! Tabik springg kat akak ! ^_~

  144. i love ur awesome word,hihi,i love english

  145. tend to practic this.. emotionless facial.. hikhik.. muahh! Love it! :P *tau da lame entry ni.. saje je*

  146. even tak femes pun ade hater,..ape tah lagi bile dah femes kan kan kan..

  147. aku dah suke follow blog

  148. sangat suka dengan manusia yg bersemangat tinggi & mengenepikan perkara yg tidak perlu

  149. sangat suka pada manusia yg bersemangat tinggi & mengenepikan perkara yg tidak perlu

  150. sangar adore personaliti budak medic yang cenggini..teringat semasa di hosp kajang..mostly houseman mmg banyak ne marah ngn doc!well done.

  151. well done yunk!teringat pengalaman semasa di hosp kajang, kebanyakkan midwives mmg ske shout2 houseman mmg buat dek je..keep up kesabaran yang menggunung tu yunk!

  152. Midwives are better than the houseman sometimes, bkn niat nak shout sesuka hati, but labour room is no joke, stressful area to work at. All the complaining, moaning, shouting, dgn nak buat ve la, documentation , cleaning, babies, it's no joke..I knw bout hosp Kajang la.. But in private hosp, i tell u, most nurses , midwives are being shouted at.. By the doctors, patients,, to future docs n consultants out there, well, not all la yg kejam mrh mrh nurses out there.. But just dun make us terrified with u guys! Fatin, however I admire u, u take critism mana mana healthcare workers pun sama ja la, be it nurses, docs, lab staff, physiotherapist , all have their share of shouting stress..

  153. hish hebat la awk! sy geram btl! annoying btl org yg baik2 dgn kte.. tp ske prli! nyampah btl!pas2 buat baik unt kte thutang budi. ptuiii.mluat !nk dendahkan , ari2 jmp. da la hasut org lain dlm diam ! nk luadh je muke dia! ptuii ptuiiii

  154. Wah! you are so popular! I supposed sb you write from your heart...I wish I could do the same thing...but I am just a little bit on the introvert side...Hmm teringin pula nak add you in my blog list...

  155. Don't mind them. Nothing can bog us down without our permission. Just keep cool and I know the issues will soon die out. That's for sure!

  156. Kak Aya suka words ni"

    please la never mess with medical students because we are emotionless and immortal. Wasting your time only."

    Sbb akak sendiri dah alami life as a doctor.. jadi doktor kena byk sabar sbb selalu kena marah..haha.. but now i'm okey.. mungkin tahi telinga ni semakin menjadi perisai dan pelindung untuk mendengar bebelan dan tengkingan orang lain.. hehe

    Jangan benci-benci.. kita berblogging untuk share ilmu, pengalaman dan make friends.. :)

  157. youre such a strong lady kak :)

  158. Hai adik Fatin...guess i'm older than you (uwaaa...dh tue). Hohhh mmg ramai org mcm ni. Tp awk mmg bagus sbb dpt handle. Kalau akk, mmg dh booomm bangg dorg balik. Nanti awak dh kerja lagi mcm2 org yg pelik & menyakitkan hati awak akn jumpe..:-) (Dr. Shikin). Neway, i like to read your blog....bila2 ade mase..

  159. Fatin Liyana,

    Banyak karier yang membuatkan kita terpaksa memekakkan telinga apabila di marahi, di maki. Macam FL sendiri, di bidang perubatan. Adik saya sendiri yang merupakan student nursing, memang dia mengatakan dekat hospital, doktor pelatih dan jururawat pelatih akan dilayan sebagai the lowest creatures on earth. Saya sendiri juga berpengalaman di bidang peruncitan, memang 'makanan' kami setiap hari untuk di marahi dan di maki customer.

    Walauapapun, sentiasa kuatkan hati dan do the best!


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