
Monday, February 9, 2015

HOneykoyuki's life update


Ever since I started working, I dont really spend time with friends. The leisure time I have will be spent either on the bed or writing. Housemanship is tiring. But still, I have time for myself. I can still write on daily basis, eat good food and go home to visit my parents.

When I decided to get married, it was an abrupt decision. I never ever expect things will happen this soon. But I'm glad that I will finally settle down with the love of my life :) Inshaallah. May Allah ease our journey.

On my off day, I will go back to Seremban and spend most of the time with my parents. Being the only daughter, I am quite close to my parents. We both know that soon I'll become someone else's wife. Things will be different then. Aku tak boleh balik rumah parents bila-bila yang aku nak. Aku tak boleh buat benda sesuka hati. Aku tak boleh carefree macam sekarang. Semua benda kena discuss dan minta izin husband. But Im lucky he's a doctor. He always understand when it comes to family matters :)

If I dont go back to Seremban, I will stay in my room and write. I have so many plans in my mind, everything is just so overwhelming. I cant wait to release em to you guys! Maybe one day :p. Anyway, I made some good friends at work. But our relationship stays within the four-walls. I just like it that way. is a good day. I got to spend my evening with my girlfriends from the medical school. I havent seen them for ages! They all look so pretty and thin!! (we lost almost average of 5kg since working). I dont remember when was the last time I went out with them. We had a good conversation and a good laugh too. Once in while, it feels great to be around these familiar faces :)

Doctors in ze house yo. Me with Kema, Fadz & Farah. Yana is not in the picture. 

This clock is given by my fiance's mom to me masa I mula-mula start housemanship :)

I never had any clock before because Im a firm Iphone believer LOL. But still, everyday before I go to bed, I will get restless thinking of 'what if my phone dies' 'what if i dont wake up' 'what if i wake up late' and stuff. My fiance's mom being nice as she always do, she bought me the clock. This is not an ordinary clock, skali dia bunyi pehhhh bilik sebelah pon boleh bangun tau hehe. Jam ni banyak berbakti. Kejut subuh, kejut tahajud, kejut bangun time oncall. Banyak pahala ibu Z :)

At this point of time, I am thankful to Allah for the nikmat He showered me with. Housemanship is hard, but im glad I secure a job for myself. I dont have many friends, but im glad i have few friends who always there for me through thick and thin. My ibu selalu pesan supaya bersyukur so that we will always feel adequate. All the rough memories are meant to teach us some good lessons in life.

You cant be happy unless you're unhappy sometimes. So just roll with it!

Thank you for reading this entry !


  1. Love u sis! U're my idol.. ❤😊😊

  2. You may never have a huge group of friends, but with friendships, quality is always more important than quantity ;)

  3. this entry doesn't sound like you kak paten :(

  4. Alhamdulillah dapat jd doctor n bertemu jodoh awal. kerja hectic tu normal la, saya pn sama..huhu. tp orang selalu pesan bersyukur seb kita ada kerja, bz n hectic mcm mana pn kita ada kerja compared to those yg struggle cari kerja.. sama2 kita doa untk kebaikan semua :-)


  5. All the best Dr FL. Pls continue inspiring us!!

  6. I enjoyed reading your post in malay.. it's much funnier.. u don't have to follow the writing of your SIL dear (I'm sorry if u dont actually). Please write in malay again...

  7. Hai sis! Harap u won't mind utk reply soalan saya dekat sis.. or saya patut tanya di sini ya since sis sibuk skrg? Harap tak menyusahkan sis. Bhehe

  8. Hai kak FL! Saya nak tanyala kat Matrik,kita belajar the exact same things mcm syllabus SPM ke? Or all new things? Penting tak nak kena kuasai sebetul-betulnya syllabus SPM baru boleh maintain prestasi keputusan ok dalam Matrik ? ; )

  9. Fatin, comey sungguh doctor2 kat malaysia... hihihihi
    follow back my blog
    salam perkenalan

  10. all the best doc... seronok bc kisah awk. :)

  11. Alhamdulillah.. Syukur kerana ramai yang sayang..

    Betul la tu, kena sentiasa bersyukur dengan nikmat dan rezeki yang Allah beri..

    Moga terus sukses dan kekal comel.. hehe..

  12. I love you kak patennn. May Allah ease your journey :*

  13. All the best FL in career & personal life =)

  14. Yupppp..macam baca blog org lain.. :(

  15. Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah Dr fatin. semoga diberi kesihatan dalam melakukan tugas2. lepas ni tugas bertambah, sentiasalah bersabar ye. inshaallah. Akak bangga dengan Dr Fatin. :) *teringin nak jumpa borak2 kejap pun tak pe.. hehee...

  16. lets be my girl friends ;)
    all the best doctor

  17. terkedu jap baca pasal jam tu... dah lama tak bertahajud :( tq kak FL...

  18. housemanship is hard but someday u will gonna miss it. ;)

  19. Nampak sangat penat sangat kerja..sebab dah boleh turun sampai 5kg. Apa-apa pun all the best doktor FL.

    Entri terbaru: Cara Menjana Pendapatan Pasif Hanya Melalui Handphone Anda

  20. alhamdulilah FL.

    Semoga perjalanan menuju gerbang perkahwinan dipermudahkan.


  21. Gudluck in whatever u do ya doktor paten! moga dipermudahkan semuanya :)

  22. All the best Kak Fatin and may Allah ease your journey lasts til forever, insyaAllah 😘😘

  23. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan FL dalam menempuh ranjau kehidupan.. =)

  24. dokter nanti kawen jangan lupa jemput lawyer ye! hehehe

  25. feel hepi to ur upcoming event. may Allah ease everything. dont forget to update and keep on and on writing... ;)

  26. Yeayy,... akhirnye fl update pasal life of skrang.. yes, its tiring but something great waiting for you onwards.. best of luck fl

  27. betul tu, kehidupan perlu diteruskan walau pun terpaksa bersusah2..

  28. Fatin.cantik dress..beli kat mana..

  29. salam. hai.

    urm, nak cakap apa ya, baidaway, i just want a say, may Allah ease your buissness...aamiin :)

  30. All the best Kak Fatin and may Allah ease your journey lasts til forever, insyaAllah 😘😘

  31. Hai Fatin! I lah yang mengeluarkan surat penempatan u olls semua haritu. Bila baca nama "eh.. kenal sgt budak ni". hihi. Good luck k!

  32. Dr FL, keep on rolling! May Allah gv u strength & patience to endure housemanship. Amiin :)

  33. bertuahnya kak fatin... alhamdullilah .. tak semua dapat macam kak fatin.. hehehe.. good luck... :)

  34. Being your follower since my teen life I see you already grow up very well just like your written Dr. You may say that you have few real friends but just fyi there is thousands of peoples who love and thought you as their friends. And me one of your follower been thoughy you as my sister and friend. Because sister and friend always advice for each others and you did it to us. Love you fillah. Moga bahgia akk di dunia ini dan akhirat nanti. Amin love you

  35. pewwit kak fl, dua entry tak sampai 7 hari memang terbaik!! biasanya asek tertunggu2 entry baru akhirnya dua entry dia letak even in engless. c= baca dua entry( 7 feb & 9 feb) gaya tulisannya macam orang luah perasaan stres je. hehe keep smiling kak fl c=

  36. Ye la..kita kena bersyukur dengan apa yang ada...mudah2han ditambahi rezeki

  37. Hahaha.
    Sama la memang tak wujud pun jam loceng sebab ada alarm kat phone .

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Alhamdulillah..

    jam loceng legend sgt tu..

  40. Always inspiring Kak Paten!

    "At this point of time, I am thankful to Allah for the nikmat He showered me with. Housemanship is hard, but im glad I secure a job for myself. I dont have many friends, but im glad i have few friends who always there for me through thick and thin. My ibu selalu pesan supaya bersyukur so that we will always feel adequate. All the rough memories are meant to teach us some good lessons in life.

    You cant be happy unless you're unhappy sometimes. So just roll with it!"

    I guess we are on the same phase of life, same situation just that I'm in accounting profession (govt jugak. Stay strong and embrace the jourmey! :)

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Alhamdulillah.
    dan good luck for your future dear doc!

  43. all the best gals, pray for ur success and hapinest!!! go go Fatin!!!

  44. Dear Fatin Liyana,

    I have stalked you since we were in KMNS. Until today, I have my own path of life, and you too.
    What I saw is that you really have rezeki yang melimpah ruah. Rezeki keluarga, rupa paras yg cantik, pelajaran, secure job, money, jodoh yg baik, rakan yang baik, dan sebagainya. Alhamdulillah. Stay humble and be polite always.

    Doakan saya juga. :)

    I learn that Allah Maha Adil. He gives everything we need, but not the thing we want. Alhamdulillah.

    Harap dapat baca entry fatin lagi.
    Syukran jazilan. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan.

  45. good luck kak patin
    may Allah bless you always
    be strong kak patin cantik
    alhamdulillah , full of blessed
    i wish you happiness and joy
    lots of loveee

  46. haritu nampak kad hospital,main kejar2 ke haha

  47. u are welcome... nice entry doc...

    berkawan biar beribu tapi yg rapat betul tu satu dua pun dah cukup... yg casual berapa pun tak mengapa...

    salam singgah

  48. Always be the best kak Fatin...May Allah ease your life.

  49. Keep your friendship, there. Nice writing and happy blogging ^^

  50. Dah terfikir apa nak buat masa pencen nnt fatin?

  51. Assalamualaikum Doctor FL,

    Perjalanan masih panjang. Good luck dan bertabahlah.

    You are one of the people who inspired me. Thank you.

    Semoga mendapat saham akhirat.

  52. good luck ! may Allah ease evrything . keep writing coz we love to read !

  53. slm atin..selalu follow blog atin dr zaman2 baru belajar medic sampai la skrg..always ternanti-nanti post terbaru.. tp mmg betullah..rasa mcm baca blog org lain pulak :( tlg tulis dlm bahasa ;).. rasanya lg best kalu kita tulis dlm bahasa yg kita selesa.. just be urself atin, u dont have to be different just to be with the one u love :) sori atin kalu komen ni buat awak terasa, pls delete this if u do ya, i'm so sorry

  54. Amalkan memanggil nama kawan, adik, sedara dengan nama penuh...

    Bukankah itu nama yang diberikan ketika mentahnik?


  55. gudluck FL.. btw cantik alarm clock itu~

  56. *he always understands

  57. Wow. Best entries honeykoyuki..

  58. Best entries honeykayuki

  59. Hahahaha! Akak! Suka akak tulis english mcm ni! Dah lah kita ni malas study english, bila baca entry akak, terus bukak kamus nak tahu makna! Tulis lagi english macam ni kak, adik jadi semangat nak belajar english. Roll with it!

  60. Eventho they always say housemanship is the hardest part, but somehow bila baca blog Kak Fatin saya rasa tak sabar nak habis med school cecepat! Wuaaaa.

    Anyway, jemput lah singgah DYLLAREZAN :) hehe

  61. Nice blog admin. I really enjoy it.
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  62. recurring pahala hanya dgn sebuah jam :)

  63. Rasanya kalau kak paten tulis menggunakan bhs ibunda menampakkan penampilan bersahaja kak. Gud luck utk kak paten

  64. after married sibuk pula dengan baby. :) hehe. all the best dear through life.

  65. such a nice entry :) semoga berjaya dan bahagia dunia akhirat Fatin :)

  66. saya pun tak de jam loceng,, mm,,, macam kena ada gak je sebijik,,,

  67. Ur so so soo cute..Ya Rabb..give ur bless for her..😊


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